Category: Projects

  • Exploring LEGO Material Part 4

    Exploring LEGO Material Part 4

    Wow. It has been a while. But here we are opening the next chapter in our LEGO material journey. I realized, in order to push my cg imagery to the next level, that I needed to get closer to my favourite toy. Very close. Turns out, this is much easier said than done. My phone […]

  • LEGO Phone Wallpapers

    LEGO Phone Wallpapers

    If you want to find out more about the process you can have a look at my ArtStation where you can also find some more high res close-ups and detailed descriptions. LEGO Phone Wallpapers on ArtStation

  • LEGO 90s Pirates Poster

    LEGO 90s Pirates Poster

    View 6K full-res poster Inspiration This is a modern interpretation of LEGO posters/catalogs from the early 90s. Something that always fascinated me as a kid – even though I wasn’t really able to put it into words back then – was the rich composition, vibrant colors, and the life that was brought into those little […]

  • Das ist kein Hexenwerk

    Das ist kein Hexenwerk

    There it is. Our short film “Das ist kein Hexenwerk”. Word for word translated it means: “that is no witchcraft”, but actually it’s a german saying with the same meaning as “It’s not rocket science”. This is supposed to be funny (not really after I had to explain it…) because in fact this short is […]

  • Arnold Disco

    And there it is… The not so long-awaited sequel to ARNOLD is finally here. The egyptians were even more creative this time. Watch out for their most dangerous trap, yet and hold your breath when Arnold is rocking the tomb once again. Will he make it to the golden bat someday? We’ll see…

  • Arnold Tetris

    This ist Arnold. Arnold spends his valuable free time robbing out graves and looking for the greatest of great treasures: the golden bat. During his quest he has to deal with barriers, traps and weird creatures that try to scare him away. The Egyptians were very creative. Did you know they actually invented the Tetris […]

  • Impressum

    Stefan Müller Große Düwelstraße 47 30171 Hannover Haftungsausschluss: Haftung für Inhalte Die Inhalte meiner Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte kann ich jedoch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Als Diensteanbieter bin ich gemäß § 7 Abs.1 TMG für eigene Inhalte auf diesen Seiten nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen verantwortlich. Nach §§ […]