Katana Tips & Tricks – How to become a professional Lighting Artist

In today’s blog post, we want to look at some tips and tricks that every aspiring artist should know for a successful career in VFX or Animation.

Let’s start with an easy one. In Katana’s Help menu there is an I want a pony option that gives you – well, you guessed it – a pony!

Everybody knows that one I hear you say. Right, right… but stay with me.

Inspecting the PonyCreate node closer shows, that there is a secret parameter called pony_mode that is hidden from us surprised

Extra geek trick: You can shift + middle mouse button drag any node into the python window to automatically get the first line of code you see in the screenshot

Getting the value of pony_mode actually returns horse. So it looks like we have been foaled. See what I did there? On closer inspection, the imposter pony actually does look more like a horse. But what do I know, I’m not a pony expert. So now the burning question is… what happens if we actually change the parameter to pony???

As one would expect, we are getting a cow.

The second hot tip I want to discuss today has to do with gnomes. I’m not gonna bother to show you how to create the gnome through the PrimitiveCreate node. That’s for amateurs. Since we are professionals, we are going to use the python console for that. Just execute the command you see in the screenshot.

Now… obviously the first thing that comes to your and my innocent mind is that ass is a reference to Arnold’s scene description file format. But then I made the mistake to do a google image search for assmidget and found out where this gnome model actually comes from. Don’t make the same mistake I made. Needless to say it’s NSFW.

The third tip that’s going to really elevate your Katana skills and no doubt will impress your colleagues is this finger breaking shortcut

Imagine you have a node graph like this but you just want to make it a bit easier to navigate. Press ctrl+shift+alt+middle mouse click and drag either horizontally or vertically

This looks a lot better.

The last tip I want to share with you today is how to customize the Katana Splash Screen

An integral part of every good show setup is of course a customized splash screen. In the past we hacked this with a custom UI4.App.Splash.ShowSplashWindow() call at start up. But The Foundry listened to our feedback and with Katana 4.5v1 we got official support for custom splash screens through environment variables.

KATANA_SPLASH_IMAGE_FILE, KATANA_TAGLINE and KATANA_SPLASH_CREDIT_NAME can be set to your liking. In fact they went all in and even animated gifs are supported. Don’t try to use special characters for the credit name though. Setting it to Stefan Müller prevented Katana from opening. At least on Windows.

I hope you liked these very valuable tips and tricks.







5 responses to “Katana Tips & Tricks – How to become a professional Lighting Artist”

  1. Chris Beckford Avatar

    Well found! The key to unlocking PonyCreate is in correcting the default ‘name’ parameter.

    Can you find the other Easter Eggs though?
    They’re great when you need a break… wink

    1. stefan Avatar

      Oooooh, it didn’t come to my mind to change the name. Well, now I can finally sleep at night, knowing the dropdown really only has these 2 options and there aren’t any other animals hidden in there bigsmile

      But there are more Easter Eggs? As in plural??? I will try to poke around more, but I might need another hint.

      1. Chris Beckford Avatar

        Yes, there are several more Easter Eggs.

        The Viewports in the Viewer are composed of Layers that can be added or removed. Each layer is responsible for drawing something different. One of those layers is… rather entertaining. You’ll know it when you find it!

        1. stefan Avatar

          Okay, so after some digging I was able to get the names of all the layers in the default viewer.

          >>> from Katana import UI4
          >>> viewer = UI4.App.Tabs.FindTopTab(‘Viewer’)
          >>> viewport = viewer.getViewerDelegateByIndex(0).getViewportByIndex(0)
          >>> for l in range(viewport.getNumberOfLayers()):
          >>> print(viewport.getLayerName(l))


          However, nothing looks particularly suspicious to me… I figured out how to remove and add them. But I haven’t stumbled upon the entertaining one yet. I feel like Indiana Jones right in front of the entrance of the tomb…

          1. Chris Beckford Avatar

            That’s because you’re only looking at the layers added to the viewer by default.

            Try listing all of the available viewport layers:

            from Katana import PluginSystemAPI

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