Stefan’s CG blog
Exploring LEGO Material Part 1
LEGO is – without a doubt – the best toy in the world. The problem is: sitting on the floor the whole day hurts, big time! Luckily, with all the modern 3D tools and thanks to ldraw and mecabricks I’m still able to play with it digitally. Up to now, I’ve made two brickfilms already. A stop motion one and […]
Wacom tablet and Photoshop CC pressure sensitivity
With Photoshop CC 2014 Adobe introduced the stupidest “feature” Adobe has ever introduced. (And that’s saying something!) From now on Photoshop uses Microsoft’s Windows Ink API, which simply doesn’t work. There are odd circles appearing around your cursor, right click doesn’t work reliable and pressing alt (to pick a color for example) takes ages to temporary switch the tool. Luckily […]
modify normal map intensity in maya
I have never been a big fan of normal maps. It’s difficult to manipulate them, it’s hard to guess how they might influence your shading and – probably the worst part – it’s not possible to modify their strength in maya. This is why I avoided them most of the time in favour of bump […]
Das ist kein Hexenwerk
There it is. Our short film “Das ist kein Hexenwerk”. Word for word translated it means: “that is no witchcraft”, but actually it’s a german saying with the same meaning as “It’s not rocket science”. This is supposed to be funny (not really after I had to explain it…) because in fact this short is […]
How to nCloth
A few months ago, I took a closer look at maya’s nucleus. I learned a lot and I thought it would be a good idea to write everything down. This is not intended to be a step by step tutorial and I’m not going to discuss every single parameter. I just wanted to throw together all the “wow, […]
Framebuffer Shuffling
No matter what you are rendering, at the end of the day you probably need to setup a nuke comp, and shuffle your framebuffers/passes/AOVs – you name it, to recreate your beauty. This is why I wrote a little script that does this tedious job for you.
Maya Camera Gate
The most annoying thing on earth: The default camera gate in maya. It’s just wasting useful screen space and what the hell is this see through useful for? When I use camera gate I want to frame the shot and don’t want to get distracted by anything around it. So this is why I created a small […]
Firefly Removal
Every modern renderer has to deal with fireflies (very bright, nervously jumping around pixels). Sometimes it’s quite difficult to get rid of those and often enough very high sampling just isn’t an option within tight deadlines.
Arnold Disco
And there it is… The not so long-awaited sequel to ARNOLD is finally here. The egyptians were even more creative this time. Watch out for their most dangerous trap, yet and hold your breath when Arnold is rocking the tomb once again. Will he make it to the golden bat someday? We’ll see…
Arnold Tetris
This ist Arnold. Arnold spends his valuable free time robbing out graves and looking for the greatest of great treasures: the golden bat. During his quest he has to deal with barriers, traps and weird creatures that try to scare him away. The Egyptians were very creative. Did you know they actually invented the Tetris […]